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Date & Time: 

Hong Kong/Malaysia (GMT+800)

Tuesday , 1 November ( 1 - 2pm) 

Traditional Chinese Medicine Assessment

Mindset Reset

Subconscious Blockage Removed

Support Forward

  • Why is the event free?
    It is an opportunity for me to introduce myself to women who are struggling to get pregnant and to show them that there is the body-mind-spirit perspective. If someone is resonated with the messages, who can get my paid service after the event.
  • What is the content of the event based on?
    The content at the event is based on the knowledges Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, the Rapid Transformational Therapy related to body-mind connection, and the tools of coaching and mentoring.
  • Will this course be worth my time?
    Yes, this will definitely be worth your time and effort. There will be valuable knowledge, insights and helpful information for you to take away.
  • What is the agenda for the event?
    Module #1: What are 7 categories of infertility in Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective and what are the correspondent advices. Module #2: How subconscious obstacles in the mind maybe related to unexplained infertility Module #3: Reset your mindset for your next steps to successful pregnancy Module #4: Any other helpful supports
  • How soon will I see changes?
    Everyone's situation is different, but most people understand their body and mind better right after the event and feel more confidence instantly. Other people may see changes a few weeks after the event when they begin making new decisions and taking further action.

Want to learn 


- What are the 7 categories of infertility in Traditional       Chinese Medicine perspective?  Which one may be     your condition? 


- How TCM help to increase fertility holistically and         naturally?​


- What is the limitation of TCM in treating infertility? 


...this event is for you. 


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Want to know


- What could be subconsciously holding you           back from getting pregnant successfully?


-  What are trapped emotions, limiting beliefs         and value conflicts and how they can affect         your hormones?  


...this event is for you. 


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Want to know 


- What are the extra supports and how can they

make a difference in your journey of getting pregnant? 


...this event is for you. 

Meditating at Home

Here's What You Get At This Online Course...

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Penelope HO

Teaching Coach

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Ee Shing PANG

Senior IT Executive

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Franky TANG

Store Manager

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Melody TSE

Insurance Broker

I have been working on building relationships , romance and my career path with Dolly the past few months.   Prior to coaching , I felt a bit lost and sad about my situation. It was at a time when nothing in my life seemed to be working.   I felt  unmotivated, frustrated and deflated. 


During my work with Dolly, she used various kinds of strategies such as visualization and asking questions to help bring out my inner awareness and surfaced some of my subconscious beliefs.  Ms Ngai supported me by listing concrete next steps together and held me accountable in untangling my confusion and muddled ideas. 

Although I have only done 6 sessions with her, I feel there is a change in my perspective.  I now believe that there is always something I can do to improve my relationship and make my own career goals more clear. 


I highly recommend Dolly as your coach.  She is compassionate, thoughtful and most importantly, non-judgemental.  Talking with her gives me a sense of comfort and ease that make it easy to open up.  Knowing Dolly really cares give me courage and will to  face and work on my fears. 


~~~  Penelope Ho / Teacher Coach ~~~

I'm thankful to have coaching sessions with Dolly during my difficult time. I'm having depression and after several coaching session I become more understand that my source of depression is coming from guilt, shame and also my self-criticism. Dolly taught me to let go and forgive myself for all the 'mistake' I have done. Dolly told me to trust people around me and made me realized that they actually can accept the imperfect me and I should accept the imperfect part of myself too. I recommend Dolly as a coach because she is very attentive and considerate. She gives me a lot of advise on the action that I can take to move towards my goal. Thank you Dolly and wish you to continue help more people with lots of passion.


~~~  Ee Shing / Senior IT Executive  ~~~

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