So Who is Lao Tzu? He was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. He is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching, the founder of philosophical Taoism.
The philosophy of Taoism has been endured for over 2,600 years. In Chinese culture, Lao Tzu is considered “One of the highest guiding principles for hoping to change”, e.g. ‘Hoping to change your mindset’; ‘Hoping to change your life for better’, ‘Hoping to change a social phenomenon’……….
道家哲學已有2600多年的歷史,經久不衰。《老子》被中國人認為是“期望改變的最高指導原則之一”,例如“希望改變你的心態”, “希望改變: 生活得更好”,“希望改變社會現象”……….
I am Chinese and happened to study Tradition Chinese Medicine. I used to presume that almost everyone had heard of Lao Tzu including Westerner. I was wrong.
Now twenty years later, such presumption may stand because people in this modern time urgently need Taoism philosophy (and other authentic spirituality wisdom) as the compass of life. Lao Tzu’s charm and reputation has widely spread by elaborating the nature and the principles of how human society operates.
如果你一直想改變而未採取行動,也許現在是你通過閱讀道家哲學書籍採取行動的時候了。推荐這些英文書 (1.) Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, (2.) Tao: The Watercourse Way by Alan W. Watts, or (3.) 365 Tao: Daily Meditations by Ming-Dao Deng.
If you have been wanting to change without action, perhaps it’s your high time to take action by reading books of Taoism philosophy like (1.) Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, (2.) Tao: The Watercourse Way by Alan W. Watts, or (3.) 365 Tao: Daily Meditations by Ming-Dao Deng.
If you are Chinese, you probably already know that